Georgia Senate Runoff for OSSOFF and WARNOCK
Are you registered to vote? You can register to vote or
check if you are registered to vote here.
You must be registered to vote by December 7.
Want an absentee ballot for mail-in or drop-off voting? You can order your absentee
ballot right now here.
After you get it, either mail it in or drop it off at your local polling
station here.
Want to check the status of your absentee ballot? Is it on the way to you? Did
they receive it after you mailed it? You can check the status of your absentee
ballot here.
Want to vote early in person? You can vote early in person
between December 14 – 31. You can find your local polling station here.
Want to vote in person? You can find your local polling station here for regular voting on January